As a representive of Daelim, it is a great pleasure that we finally have our own catalogue contains all of our items excepting fishing hook part. 15 years ago, I started my business with my friend who was a best engineer of fishing hook making in Korea.We exported only few thousand hundred of our products to my old business partners in M'sia and Canada. But now ,we have exported more then 100 million pieces of fishing books and other various fishing equipment and accessories to so many friends all over the world and got a hight reputation . And we have successfully set up our Chinese company with the principle of "high quality "and "quick services". Recentely,we are developing different kinds of High Carton Fishing Hook with shaply increase quality from Korea as well as superior of stainless steel wire leaders in China factory with top quality of packing under our long experience. We promise to make new catelogue for fishing hooks part as soon as possible . Finelly,I must say thanks to Mr.Huang who recently joined in our company as production director and my nephew S.M.Kim who devotes himself to the company and handle all the business in Korea while I'm absent.